Hallo! This is my new blog. If you were looking for updates on my life,
click here. I decided to switch urls on these blogs to make that one more personal and indicate that this is my brand spanking new writing blog.
Why a writing blog you ask? Well, last spring I took a Creative Writing class and I had four textbooks: poetry, play writing, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Two of these books were used a little and the other two not at all, but they were cheap ($16 a piece is cheap compared to the ridiculous prices of most textbooks) so I decided to keep them and work on my own rather than selling them back to the bookstore.
And now here we are, a month and a half shy of it being an entire year since I decided that and well, I haven't really done anything with them. But this will soon be remedied. I'm going to start by reading Kim Addonizio's
Ordinary Genius; a book about writing poetry. Throughout the book there are several exercises, and once I've finished them, I'll type them out here. (What? I prefer writing things out with pencil and paper still, so what?)
I've been in a funk lately; nothing has been inspiring me to write. I've misplaced my Creative Mojo and I hope in doing this, and keeping myself accountable by writing here, I can find it again. And hopefully you'll enjoy reading it along the way.